Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Installation of OTRS 3.2.7 on CentOS 6.4

Steps followed to install OTRS 3.2.7 on Centos 6.4 given below.

First I check minimum prerequisites to start installation. below given prerequisites are minimum to complete installation of OTRS 3.27 on Centos 6.4

Minimum prerequisites
A basic install of CentOS 6.4 with these settings:
CentOS SELinux is set to permissive.
CentOS firewall must have HTTP as trusted.
OTRS requires a properly configured & running Apache webserver & backend database. The basic install of CentOS 6.4 included an Apache install with no database. Steps are provided below to do a basic configuration of Apache & MySQL (my current database of choice).
System will need a working Internet connection.

Note: I disabled Firewall and Selinux.


We are using Apache for OTRS so we will start from installation of Apache server.

To check http packages in any repository enabled on your system or installed use below given command
  # yum list httpd
To install httpd packages we will run below given command:
 # yum install httpd

 Now we will enable httpd on run levels 2,3 and 5:

 # chkconfig --levels 235 httpd on 

To verify run levels enabled for httpd:
 # chkconfig --list httpd 

Basic Apache config 

Make backup of httpd.conf file then after that we will make basic configuration of httpd.
# cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf.back

Edit httpd.conf file using vi editor:
# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
At minimum update ServerAdmin, ServerName and port number of httpd:

ServerName [hostname or IP address]:80
Listen yourIP:80

After basic configuration done we will start httpd:
 # service httpd start

These steps were done using OTRS version 3.2.7. Ensure you get the latest version and download the latest OTRS 3.x.x for RHEL 6 / CentOS 6 RPM.
You can download otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch.rpm using wget command.

Resolve dependencies 
 # rpm -qpR otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch.rpm
# rpm -ivh otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
        perl-core is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(Crypt::SSLeay) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(Digest::SHA) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(Net::LDAP) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(URI) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        mod_perl is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        procmail is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(Date::Format) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(LWP::UserAgent) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(Net::DNS) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(IO::Socket::SSL) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch
        perl(XML::Parser) is needed by otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch

rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix) <= 4.0-1
rpmlib(CompressedFileNames) <= 3.0.4-1
rpmlib(PayloadIsBzip2) <= 3.0.5-1

Now I know which dependencies to install.
Resolve perl-URI dependency:

# yum install perl-core 'perl(Crypt::SSLeay)' 'perl(Digest::SHA)' 'perl(Net::LDAP)' 'perl(URI)' 'mod_perl' 'perl(Date::Format)' 'perl(LWP::UserAgent)' 'perl(Net::DNS)' 'perl(IO::Socket::SSL)' 'perl(XML::Parser)' procmail -y

Install OTRS RPM using yum:

# yum --nogpgcheck install otrs-3.2.7-01.noarch.rpm -y

Now follow steps provided on  OTRS Web Installer. Thank you OTRS devs for providing a simple web installer!
If on same machine as OTRS install you point your browser to http://localhost/otrs/ otherwise replace localhost with domain name or IP address.
Logging into OTRS
After configuring MySQL via web installer you should be able to log into OTRS via http://IPaddress/otrs/ with user root@localhost and default password.
Enjoy OTRS!


  1. Thanks for this - helped clear up some of my 'problems' - still need to complete my installation over PostgreSQL so not there yet...:-)

  2. Hi DiskDude,

    I have created new post to install OTRS over PostgreSQL. Access this link

  3. Very Very good and usable post. Thank's to share your experience with us. I will try to remember these tips in my blog commenting task.
    Dedicated Server

  4. Hi.. Thanks for the useful post. I have been following these steps to install otrs-3.2.10-02.noarch.rpm on centos 6. But unfortunately it gives following error:

    error: failed dependencies : perl-core module is required by otrs-3.2.10-02.noarch cronie module is required by otrs-3.2.10-02.noarch

    When I'm trying to install perl-core using yum , it shows me that no such package available. Can you please help me ?

    1. Hello Mayur,

      Thanks, please run below command and update me results to resolve issue:

      # rpm -qa perl-core

      Check Resolve perl-URI dependency steps before installing OTRS.
